Mae Maillols's profile

LLD Part 3 - Flimic (I said space and I meant it!)

LLD Assessment 3 - I said space, damn it
For this assessment, we will be building a flimic scene and render. Something a little like this:
woah, thas pretty cool. And to think this is from a game... pretty neat

So. Flimic is basically, something grand. Like from a movie. Hence the name. Now I'm not going to remake the picture in the example, cause that'd be pretty stupid since I can be creative with this, but I want to make something a bit similar. Big planet. Big wonder. Little man. Foreground - midground - background. Boom, nice picture or something.

Now, this is art. Art doesn't have to mean anything to anyoen but me. So I'm gonna make it space themed. I love space (you know I do Tom, You can't stop me im gonna put colours in my picture), and with my favourite space game being as colourful as it is, I will take a lot of inspiration from it. After all, the goal of this assessment is to tell a story in a single image, and that game is really good at letting people make stories. It's kinda the point of it.

It's a bit difficult to find good assets that will look right together, especially when no one really agrees on what Sci-fi should look like. So I will gather assets directly from the game.

I can also try a few compositions in the game, just to try and find somethign I feel is right. (I'm not just gonna submit a screenshot but I wanna have a way to visualise what I want without losing my mind more than I already am.)

I had a thought. The game has a few things that'd look great in a filmic composition, so I decided to have a look around and see what could be the best, what could give the sense of wonder I'm looking for.
Now this... This is art.
I found that I enjoyed the foreboding presentation of the Atlas, the rightmost image above. Its towering, sharp angled stature, its red glowing "eye" (Though it is not an eye, but rather an entrance to the interface within), its shadow-like appearance, all make for a compelling figure to have as a centerpiece.
A first iteration of my image. The black and white lets the red glow pop out. Though the atmospheric fog is a bit thick, I've been having trouble attenuating it a little. Though it looks pretty good like this!
Experimenting with colours now, I used inspiration from the No Man's Sky "Atlas Rises" cover art, with a warm ground and cool sky. While it makes the overall scene less ominous, it still gives the Atlas an ominous presence, and contrasts a lot better with the uniform black shape.
I tried removing the black pillars on the sides of the image, but it feels like something is missing now. It needs more in the foreground.
So I added rocks! And a cactus friend! Now the scene looks a lot fuller, while still keeping the attention on the centerpiece.
Final Renders - Edited
All lights
Area Light - Black and White - Physical Sky
LLD Part 3 - Flimic (I said space and I meant it!)

LLD Part 3 - Flimic (I said space and I meant it!)
